Monday, January 16, 2012

Birdie Photo Shoot

Here's the best of the best of my photos from last week's photo shoot. Overall I'm really pleased with the costumes. Some are just plain adorable. Still making a few adjustments!

Kim and Hugo


End of Honestly Sincere


Some Adults

Mrs. MacAfee-I LOVE her dress and I really love the matching vacuum cleaner I found at DI!!

Conrad with Adoring Fans!


Conrad and Kim

Rosie and Albert

Mae and Albert

More Teenagers!

MacAfee Family Photo!


Notice Birdie's shoe!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas in China!

Mom and Dad are in China this school year teaching English. What's Christmas without mom and dad? So, Michael and I decided to take a little trip. It was definitely a different experience than sitting on the farm in front of a roaring fire with a snow storm raging outside. I prefer the Idaho Christmas but China was a great experience.

We had 2 traditional Chinese Feasts while we were there. They have a big turn table in the middle of the table and just keep bringing more, and more, and more dishes out to place on it. I had to be brave because there weren't any serving spoons; you just reach in with your chop-sticks and have at it. If you want something that isn't right in front of you all you have to do is turn the table. Most of the traditional foods I tried during the trip were pretty good but I was happy to get home to America. To celebrate I had cold cereal for dinner and ice cream for dessert. Yum!!

What's a trip if you don't find a pig!!

Along the streets they had various exercise "machines" made of steel. We are very serious about staying in shape!

I'm the Great Stone Dragon!!

We went to this really beautiful park (it should be especially fine in the spring and summer) and found this man playing a wooden flute. It sounded really nice!

My favorite day of the entire trip was when we went to the Great Wall. There was NO ONE there except us! The section we went on is mostly rebuilt but there are sections of the original wall. The section we walked took us about 4-5 hours. It was a beautiful, sunny day.

Thing and I walking along the wall

Group photo

Eating good ol' peanut butter and jam on the wall!

There was this museum made out of pottery and shards. The museum itself needs a lot of work but it was pretty cool to see how the building itself was made!