Friday, January 1, 2010

JOSEPH Begins!

It's been a while since I've posted but since we're getting ready to begin Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat it's time to get busy with pictures again.
We "learned" the music the week before Christmas break. The kids actually did really well! It helps that the music is easier than any of the other shows we've done! If they've been listening to their music like they were supposed to over the break we'll be good to go.
On Tuesday we'll being dancing-get ready to dance your guts out kids! There is some cool choreography and it will take a lot of work to learn it all. I haven't had a chance to work on the dances over the break (unfortunately because I still have 2 dances to choreograph and 1-2 songs to block). I also haven't reviewed the stuff I choreographed over the summer so I need to get on that so our reversals run smoothly-else wise we'll never learn it all. I've been too busy sewing. The first samples are below. They'll look cooler on the kids!

Egyptian belts for the Butler and Potiphar. Belt and Collar for Joseph-Pharaoh's Number Two

Joseph's Colored Coat
It needs one more layer of trim on the bottom layer of the waist. As I was making it I thought it was pretty cool; unfortunately I'm not as pleased with the final product.

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